m21 Conferences

A list of papers that reflect some of our research outcomes

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  • Wood, J., (2008), Keynote Lecture - 'Synergising the Field of (Re)Search', at the 'Art of Research: Research Narratives' conference, Chelsea College of Art & Design, 28th October, 2008
  • Backwell, J., & Wood, J., (2008), Mapping Network Consciousness: syncretizing difference to co-create a synergy-of-synergies, paper given at the Consciousness Reframed Conference, Vienna, July 3rd - 5th 2008
  • Tham, M., Jones, H., (2008), ‘Metadesign Tools: Designing the seeds for shared processes of change’ Paper presented at ‘Changing the Change’. An international conference on the role and potential of design research in the transition towards sustainability. Turin, 9th, 10th and 11th July 2008.
  • Tham, M. and Lundebye, A., (2008), The Experience of Sustainability - Applying Metadesign to Invite Emotions to Further the Design of Sustainable Futures. Design & Emotions Conference, Dare to Desire, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hongkong, 6-9 October, 2008.
  • Dinur, B., & Wood, J., (2007), ‘Using Ecological Principles to Benchmark Design Synergies’, paper presented at the Fourth International Conference for Environmental Education in Ahmedabad, India. 24-28 November 2007. Organized by UNESCO, UNEP and MHRD
  • Wood, J., (2007), ‘Towards a 4th Order Design’ - Keynote Lecture given at the ‘Mapping Design Activism’ conference at Leeds University, 14 September, 2007.
  • Wood, J., (2007), Dancing with Disorder: Synergizing Synergies within Metadesign, conference paper Conference ‘Dancing with Disorder’, 11-13 April, 2007, Izmir, Turkey
  • Wood, J., (2008), ‘Metadesigning the Synergy-City’, Keynote lecture at the conference, ‘Eco Towns: Viable projects, or white elephant? Convened by the Environmental Technology Transfer Club (ETTC) and Industrial Symbiosis Network (ISNet) joint meeting - Riverside Stadium, Middlesbrough, Teesside, 14th May 2008
  • Wood, J., (2008), 15th May 2008 – ‘Synergistic Reasoning’, Keynote lecture to Futures Fair 08 Conference, Royal Institute of Building Architects, London
  • Wood, J., (2008). Changing the Change: a fractal framework for metadesign A paper presented at ‘Changing the Change’. An international conference on the role and potential of design research in the transition towards sustainability. Turin, Italy, 10th July 2008.
  • Wood, J., (2006), Relative Abundance; Fuller’s discovery that the glass is always half full, keynote lecture given at the ‘100% Sustainable’ conference, Olympia, London, 23rd September, 2006
  • Wood, J., (2005), & Nieuwenhuijze, O., (2005), Sympoiesis and Synergy; anticipation with/in imagination, paper given at Seventh International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems, Liège, Belgium, August 8-13, 2005 held at HEC Management School - University of Liege.
